Meet the Team

Phil Briggs


"Years ago, en route to India to find a guru (teacher) to help me discover what life is all about, I was arrested out of rank heathenism by Jesus Christ, in Darwin. Since that time my heart and life has been increasingly narrowed, and expanded, to an all-encompassing preoccupation with knowing the true and living God in Jesus Christ, and with seeking to see others come to the same life-transforming encounter, and grow to maturity in this reality."

Jim Murphy


"My wife June and I both came to know Christ in 1972. Since then we have shared a desire to serve the Lord - no matter where or how! Our time serving with the Institute of Evangelism in Papua New Guinea enabled us to grow and understand other cultures, which has been a blessing in our serving of the Lord and His people."

Terry Haig

Missions Team Convenor

"My wife Maria and I have been worshipping at the Wagga Church of Christ since 1978 and grow even more passionate about serving the Lord with each year that passes. As the convenor of our Missions Finance and Support team, I have the role of calling in our members for the propagation of support for our mission teams in the field."