• The Knowledge of God

    21 July, 2024

    At the heart of our covenant relationship with God is the intimate personal knowledge of God Himself by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. In the wake of his experience on the mount of transfiguration with the Lord Jesus, Peter speaks to us in his…

  • The Introduction of Covenant

    14 July, 2024

    Mankind, under the striving influence of the Spirit of the Lord during the antediluvian era, reached such a point of irrecoverable rebellion against God that, apart from eight people, the whole race had to be destroyed. Following the Flood we find…

  • The Unseen Hand of God

    30 June, 2024

    By means of a number of vibrant testimonies, and a consideration of the situations of Zacchaeus, Joseph and the Ethiopian eunuch, we are encouraged that our sovereign God, in unseen ways, works together with the sovereign choices of man and women to…

  • The Spirit of Truth

    23 June, 2024

    A key aspect of the expression of authority in the kingdom of God is the administration of truth by the Holy Spirit. We look at this in connection with the judgement of the Flood in the days of Noah. The Lord teaches us that the Father seeks those to…

  • Our Rewards

    16 June, 2024

    Understanding, as we do, that it is by grace, through faith, that we are saved, we do not often consider that paradoxically, that which we freely receive not only without any merit of our own, but having much demerit within ourselves, comes also with…

  • Taught of the Spirit

    09 June, 2024

    God is Spirit, said Jesus, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. Throughout the history of the world God has sought the hearts of men and women by His Spirit. By the agency of whatever other means He uses - the scriptures…

  • His Fellowship With Our Sufferings

    26 May, 2024

    Faced with the necessity of the judgement of the Flood, God was sorry that He had created man upon the earth, and it grieved Him at his heart. This was not regret; neither was it an egoistic "Woe is me!"; nor was it a cosmic "Oops!" Knowing all that…

  • Family of God

    19 May, 2024

    Ken presents John the Baptist to us as a demonstration of what it means to serve the Lord Jesus with a single eye, in the context of that which He has called us to in this life. Faithfulness to Him is paramount and there is nothing that He has…

  • For Such a Time as This

    12 May, 2024

    In the sovereign purpose of God we are where we are, and our circumstances are such as they are, that the glory of the Kingdom of God and the manifestation of His name should be served. Whether we actively, and with insight which the Lord gives…

  • Philippians 3:10

    05 May, 2024

    Paul the apostle expressed his longing to know Christ, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death. We take here a brief look at what is involved in this for each of us in Christ as we…

  • Christ's Resurrection, So What Next?

    28 April, 2024

    Taking Paul's succinct presentation of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15, Ken explores the significance of that in the lives of those who have surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Saviour. In a word, as it took place firstly with the disciples, and those…

  • Cain Reprobate; the Race Reprobate

    21 April, 2024

    Cain has been cursed by God. The race then degenerates into a condition of complete apostasy, but for eight people, and after the Flood is hell-bound again with Nimrod and Babel. God then divides it and puts a restraint upon its eventual complete…

  • The Ground Cursed; a Man Cursed

    14 April, 2024

    As part of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, the Lord's dealings with the incorrigibly wicked is addressed in the case of Cain. We are encouraged in the times in which we live to establish our hearts, knowing that the Presence of the Lord is here…

  • Spiritual Seed and Natural Seed

    31 March, 2024

    As the world is focused on the middle east George focuses us on the need to pray for the Jews, and emphasises the only way of salvation, whether Jew or Gentile, is through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

  • Love's Freedom - Fear's Mastery

    24 March, 2024

    With the Jews' final rejection of Jesus of Nazareth, their King and Messiah, we observe Jesus' freedom in the love of His Father, manifest in the peace and purity of His heart and mind as He is physically, verbally and spiritually maligned, abused…

  • The Mystery of God Part 10

    24 March, 2024

    The confession of nakedness, the confession of fear, and the candid confession of sin, in the context of the non-condemnatory approach of God following the Fall, mark the further unfolding of the hidden things of the God's rule on earth.

  • The Mystery of God Part 9

    17 March, 2024

    The isolation, shame, and guilt of nakedness as a result of disobedience to the Spirit of truth results in God's coming to us in mercy and grace, without condemnation, seeking simply a free confession of our hearts that He might have mercy and…

  • The Mystery of God Part 8

    10 March, 2024

    God placed man in the garden of Eden, allowed the devil access, and then concealed Himself from the consciousness of the man and the woman as they were exposed to the devil's evil devices. In their infantile knowledge of God they were easy prey for…

  • Our Heavenly Father

    25 February, 2024

    We are given a scriptural overview of the character, office(s) and function of our Heavenly Father. Terry summarises this in connection with our Father's delegated authority to His Son in His redemptive purpose, and by way of our Father's full self…

  • The Mystery of God Part 7

    18 February, 2024

    The Cross of Jesus Christ is popularly understood, in a purely natural sense, as an extraordinary forensic device which God uses to supposedly satisfy His justice by "balancing the scales" of His righteousness in the consideration of man's sin. We…

  • Psalm 33

    11 February, 2024

    In the days in which we live we can be assured, by meditating on the thoughts of the psalmist, of the faithfulness, the creativeness and the power of our God, knowing that He has the world and all that is unfolding in the train of His eternal purpose…

  • The Mystery of God Part 6

    28 January, 2024

    The mysteries of the Kingdom of God, hidden for ages and for generations, with the coming of the King are made known through the apostles and prophets to those in Christ. We discover something of those mysteries in the beginning of creation, and…

  • The Mystery of God Part 5

    21 January, 2024

    Jesus spoke in parables to conceal the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven from unbelieving Israel on the eve of their final rejection of their long promised Messiah as a nation. At the same time He was on the cusp of the revelation of these mysteries…

  • The Mystery of God Part 4

    14 January, 2024

    Following His resurrection Jesus spent forty days speaking to the apostles the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We consider Luke's mention of the Kingdom of God throughout his account of the period covered by the book of Acts, and observe the…

  • Christmas Lives On

    31 December, 2023

    In the wake of Christmas '23, and in the prospect of the new year '24, Ken covers the Plan and Purpose of God in sending His Son our Saviour, with the encouraging reminder of His Presence with us (Immanuel) every day.

  • Three Days from Everlasting

    25 December, 2023

    The prophet Hosea locates Messiah's beginnings from everlasting, and then the prophet Micah picks Him up in Bethlehem, and via the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Romans, and ultimately the kingdom of Antichrist in the day of Jacob's trouble and…

  • A Sign Spoken Against

    24 December, 2023

    Simeon identifies the baby Jesus to Joseph and Mary as a "sign which shall be spoken against." We consider what this means for us in Him, in the light of Isaiah's prophecy concerning the child that shall be called Immanuel.

  • The Circumcision of Mary

    17 December, 2023

    The covenant of circumcision given to Abraham finds its fulfilment in Christ through the new birth. We consider Mary, the mother of Jesus, coming to the point of her circumcision, and the parallel of that in our own experience, as well as some…

  • The Mystery of God Part 3 Iniquity

    10 December, 2023

    The Lord speaks to Job about behemoth and leviathan where we see some typical application to the strength of the natural (soulical/psychic) man, and something of the nature of satanic darkness. In the light of the revelation of God, Job is finally…

  • Healthy, Positive, Christian Life

    26 November, 2023

    Looking at Paul's instructions in Romans 14 we are taught to respect, welcome and embrace others with views divergent to our own, to live so as to honour Jesus, and to continually learn to love as Jesus loved.